Beneath the Pink Moon: Would you like to Cast a Spell with Us?

A seed neither fears light nor darkness, but uses both to grow.
— Mashona Dhliwayo

This full moon, are you feeling flowers, ferns, or moss?

As a Green Witch, you're likely partial to plants in all shapes and sizes, but April's moon – the Pink Moon, gets its name from moss phlox, a type of creeping groundcover that blooms pink in April and May.

The Pink Moon is the fourth moon of the year and the first full moon of spring. It's also called the Growing Moon and, sometimes, the Seed Moon.

If you're a cottage witch (or dirt witch disguised as a city witch), you know all about seed spells - they're the norm and likely a part of your everyday magick.

Seeds can be a metaphor for our intentions, but in the literal sense, seeds (birdseed, wildflower seeds, non-invasive herb and plant seeds) make simple, regenerative offerings. Something as simple as leaving a bowl of basil seeds on your altar for luck or scattering some to the wind to feed the birds is a potent spell. Seed spells are a form of earth magick and a way to appease deities like Gaia, Flora, and Persephone, as well as nature spirits like the Fae Folk. Caring for our planet and being mindful of what we contribute to the earth can also be a form of ancestral veneration.

This month's full Pink Moon feels like a great time to get our hands dirty, don't you agree?  But if sticking your hands in the dirt sounds more fun in the metaphorical sense, allow us to introduce our Seed and Soil Tarot Spread.

We've been working with variations of this spread since last year, but each time we voyage through spring and into summer, it feels more relevant. Here's the deal, grab your favorite deck, shuffle, shuffle, shuffle some more, and then ask the following questions:

Which 'weeds' are hindering my garden? 

Pull a card and turn over the soil.

What seeds shall I plant? 

Pull a card and plant your intentions.

Which nutrients do these seeds require? 

Pull a card and water the earth.

What does growth look like?

Pull a card and examine the blooms.

If you try the Seed & Soil Spread and feel like sharing, tag @pointyhatpress and @littlewitchbooks in your photos, we'd love to see!

Come spring, garden magick and flower-themed tarot spreads feel divinely timed, but truth be told, they aren't the only spells calling for our attention. If you're anything like me (Kristin here) and art witch extraordinaire Caitlyn Barone, your journal is brimming with springtime musings. Perhaps there are flowers scattered across the pages, seeds embedded into the binding, and thorny tendrils leading you deeper into mystical, mysterious worlds.

And maybe, just maybe, it feels a bit spooky.

I know, I know, spookiness is typically reserved for the dark half of the year, but who says the dead vanish when our gardens bloom? And who says haunted hearts cease to exist when the sun shines? When spring arrives, what happens to the ghosts of things left unsaid?

As the Wheel of the Year turns and Beltane nears, we're reminded that the inverse of this sabbat is Samhain. Harvest season is often described as a portal or liminal space - a period when spirits roam freely, and witches resurrect their ancestors with memories and old stories.

However (and this is a big 'however'), if Persephone, our Springtime Maiden turned Queen of the Underworld, has taught us anything, it's to embrace the dualities - be they tangible or emotional, timeless or seasonal. Because no matter if we're walking into Samhain, Beltane, Harvesttime, or Spring, a cornucopia of spooks, shadows, and strangeness awaits…

So let's write about it!

Calling all poets, storytellers, and literary witches - would you like to cast a spell with us?

Hosted by Pointy Hat Press, our Spooky Spring Series was inspired by haunted hearts, spectral travelers, and confessional poetry. To join in on the Spooky Spring challenge, submit an original poem, song, sonnet, short essay (500 words or less), or illustration about ghosts, ghouls, witches, or whatever haunted chambers you're exploring this spring. Share the post to your IG feed, tag @pointyhatpress and @littlewitchbooks, and use the hashtag #spookyspring (you can also email us your submission at 

One lucky writer will receive a custom fine art print of their work designed by our in-house Art Witch, created and delivered at no cost to them!

Pointy Hat Press's Spooky Spring contest runs from April 5th - June 1st, 2023. The Winner will be chosen by Pointy Hat Press founders, Kristin and Caitlyn, and announced at 12 pm EST on the Full Flower Moon, June 4th, 2023. This is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or associated with Instagram, so if you have questions, drop us a comment. 

Good luck, spooky friends! 


Spooky Spring


When All Fool’s Day Meets the Pink Moon