The Scavenger Hunt: A Little Witch Tale for the Waning Moon
Summer is long gone and the days are getting shorter. Little Witch wonders where magick goes when things turn frosty and cold. Does it know to move indoors or burrow into the earth? Will it find sanctuary in the trees? Her coven assures her that, like the hibernating creatures of the forest, the realm of enchantment is safe and sound. Download a sample of our upcoming book!
The Witch & the Raven: A Little Witch Tale
The girl born beneath the dark moon had yet to learn that even without numbers and order, time reveals many things. Time highlights our successes and struggles, our secrets, and the what-ifs that bloom and die back in the garden of life. No matter the path we choose, life is full of yearnings, and sometimes, we wonder, what if?
Telling the Bees: A Fairy Tale for the New Moon
Alongside Persephone and the Fairies, join Little Witch for high tea with the hive! As you and the bees sip honeyed potions, Madam Spider spins riddles and Little Witch describes a curious dream – one about a moonstruck hare, moving at your own pace, and the origin of fairy tales.
The Deer Mother: A Little Witch Tale
Seasonal epics are long and winding, and before the chapters of ol' St. Nicolas and Father Frost, the pages of winter featured another Solstice spirit. She, too, was a guardian and bringer of light but wiser and much older than the rest. And she did not carry the sun in her hands, as one might expect, but cradled within her horns. Back then, dashing between the pages of winter was Mother Deer.
The Hanged Weaver: A Little Witch Tale
As the rumor went, the Old One knew everything. She was educated in magick and fate and the ways of fairies and the four-footed. She held the secrets of the horned huntresses, hoofed women, and the sisters holding the slippery reigns of time. The Old One was every bit as mesmerizing as she was maddening. She'd answer every question asked of her, although finding reason in her riddles proved near impossible.
The Headless Maiden: A Little Witch Tale
The man was tired of working the family millstone, his soul ached even more than his bones. On that night, desperate, the miller petitioned the old gods. When Dionysus responded, pleasure seeker that he was, the man sighed in relief. The god agreed to shower him in gold and silver, so long as the miller agreed to one thing:
“Give me what lay behind the millstone,” he said. “If you do that, all the riches will be yours.”
Telling the Bees: A Story for the New Moon
Alongside Persephone and the Fairies, join Little Witch and her coven for high tea with the hive. As you and the bees sip honeyed potions, Madam Spider spins riddles and Little Witch describes a curious dream - one about a moonstruck hare, moving at your own pace, and the origin of fairy tales….