A Ritual for June’s Strawberry Moon

This month, we celebrate the full moon on June 14th, just one week before the Summer Solstice.

June's moon is called the Strawberry Moon, Rose Moon, Honey Moon, and Mead Moon. This year, it's a supermoon (the second of 2022) and a welcome reminder that all things ripen in their own time. Just like the berries in the garden, the flowers on the vine, and yes, even you. Especially you.

You may not be exactly where you want to be (sipping Prosecco at your newly remodeled château on the Riviera) but take a moment to appreciate how far you've come. This moon is a wonderful opportunity to illuminate each step we've taken towards our goals and the desires rooted in our hearts.

Because this full moon falls on the 14th, which happens to be the birthday of the Muses (the divine sisters of artistic inspiration and insight in Greek mythology) a spell for you:

When the moon rises on June 14th, grab a piece of paper, and write a letter of gratitude – to yourself. Address it to the version of you that has it all figured out. You know the one – the human who has done the work, faced their fears, took some risks, and learned a thing or two in the process. This person is happy, safe, aligned, and they are patiently waiting for you to find them.

After you write your letter, thanking them for their guidance and complimenting them on their fabulous life and the willpower they summoned to get there, fold the paper into a square. Take a bay leaf (an incredibly lucky plant) and write something to seal and guide this message. Popular options are a sigil, picture, or series of meaningful words.

Now, take the letter and bay leaf, and using a piece of twine, tie them together into a cute little bundle. Then, (safely) burn your spell. As you wait for the ashes to cool, visualize your letter being delivered. Finish this spell by sprinkling the ashes over your favorite creek, river, into a tide pool, or drop them straight into the ocean. If you live somewhere where water is scarce, mix the ashes into a bowl of water and offer them to your plants.

May all your dreams ripen and rise beneath this sweet, strawberry moon!


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