The Budding Moon: Bees in Fairy Tales

Handle a book as a bee does a flower, extract its sweetness but do not damage it.
— John Muir

Full Moon blessings, witches!

Nicknamed the Snow Moon, Milk Moon, Hungry Moon, Storm Moon, Eagle Moon, and our favorite, the Budding Moon, February's moon asks us where we'd like to go, what we feel called to do, and how we will show up at each destination. 

This year, our second full moon arrives midway between Imbolc and Ostara - a reminder that the Spring Equinox is only a few weeks away!  Do you notice the earth stirring? The quickening underfoot? Can you hear the buzzing of newly wakened bees?

If your gardens are still resting beneath winter's blanket, it won't be for long. And until then, join us in the fairy tale meadows, where the flowers have already started to bloom…

Place your ear to the pages of your favorite fairy tale, and you'll hear the gentle murmuring of bees. Many times, a hive takes the role that a fairy might – saving the day when all hope seems lost.

Folk stories of yesteryear say bees are born within budding flowers. Like the fae folk, a bee takes its first breath within a bassinet of velvety petals. While the elder bees leave to forage for pollen, the flowers watch their kin, and the wind rocks them to sleep. 

And did you know…

That's right, in just over a week, we gathered enough pledges to bring this beautiful book to life! And on the eve of a full moon, no less! Thank you to everyone who has pre-ordered a book or bundle or shared Telling the Bees with your friends, we are so grateful!

With this initial hurdle in our rearview, we're setting our sites on the first of four stretch goals – bonus foil detail, custom end pages, ribbon bookmark, and gilded page edges are up for grabs! With each stretch goal, a new upgrade is unlocked. 


Step into the Night Garden: Bees in Mythology


Telling the Bees: A Fairy Tale for the New Moon