Pandora’s Box: The Summer Crossroads

Under the summer moon in the days around the Summer Solstice, the storytellers gathered…at the Summer Crossroads, magic is made.

"Pandora," Odilon Redon, 1914

Little Witch Books author, Kristin Lisenby, is back at the Crossroads with fellow Word Witch, Kate Belew! During this visit to Summer Crossroads, Kristin and Kate hold space with you at the creative cauldron of summer. Gathering by the bone fire, under the guardian trees, and by the metaphorical rivers, you'll explore and tell the tale of a Summer Witch and her potent plants.

This story will be fodder for your creative work. This meeting is a ritual to hold you in the shifting of the season and the potent fertile earth. This is a seed to sow in the earth as the wheel turns. To the burgeoning and blossoming of summer, to setting intentions, to summer's magick, and the Summer Witches, enter the Faerie ring, and step through the tree's portal. Summer has arrived, and so have you. 

Pandora Box: The Goddess & her Sacred Plants of Summer

A long time ago, Zeus held the reins of power.️ From his throne in the Above, Zeus pulled and tugged at the web of humanity.

But when humans unexpectedly acquired fire, mortals became magicians. For the first time, people brought the sun indoors, collected secrets from its crackling voice, and ousted shadows without a single prayer to the gods.

Horrified by the thought of being forgotten, Zeus called on his fellow Olympians, and together, they crafted a curse. Hephaestus began with a handful of earth and forged a body with the face of a goddess.

Athena taught the cursed woman how to weave, and Aphrodite offered her golden beauty and 'scalding desire.' The Graces showered the woman with flowers, Queen Hera crowned her with curiosity, and Hermes supplied a trickster's mind and a name – Pandora

The Schedule: Your Invitation to the Summer Crossroads

If you're also a writer or Word Witch, poet or spellcaster of language, Kristin and Kate invite you to join them at Summer Crossroads for an evening dedicated to Pandora, her curiosities, and ritual writing. After hearing from Pandora, you'll be guided on a meditation, following the path of the potent plants into the forest of the Summer Solstice, divining messages of the season from this sacred place - the Crossroads.

The Summer Crossroads takes place on July 10th at 7:00 pm EST. No experience is needed, just a love of plants, myth, and magick. If you can't join us live, a recording will be available. 

Learn more and join the creative coven here.

“Pandora's box,” Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1871

Testimonials from Previous Crossroads Gatherings

Kate and Kristin use their incredible gifts of storytelling and wisdom to build a safe and loving container for beautiful things to be made and shared at the crossroads. The experience energized my creative life. Each week I felt inspired to create something as I integrated what I’d learned through writing and other art forms. Members of the online community were welcoming and supportive. There was just enough structure to the program to be organized and allow for creative expression. As someone who understands deities as metaphors only, I felt welcome to understand the characters being presented in the way that works for me without any pressure to see them in any other way. Highly recommend this experience! - D.

The way that Kate and Kristin wove elements of writing, magick, myth and herbalism into a sinuous experience was on a level all of its own; it was refreshing and definitely fuel for that creative flow we all need to keep life spicy and enjoyable. I am thrilled at the prospect of attending another. - T.

After a few months of not writing a single word, The Crossroads reinvigorated my joy in writing. I came to The Crossroads to reconnect with my own voice and with the goddess archetypes that make up this inner voice. I left feeling optimistic and grateful about my writing, art, and life in general. Thank you for being so thoughtful and caring when creating this sacred, creative space for us! - A.

“Pandora,” John William Waterhouse, 1896


Artemis, Fairy Cattle, & the Magick of July


Madam Spider’s Soup Spells